Friday, July 9, 2010

2nd letter to Hon Cameron-Facts of DFID pathetic hr crimes

Facts of Involvement of DFID Management/Officials/Senior staff/UK Gov in 9 years of Human rights violations ( and murder of my paralyzed 82 year old father in hospital)

1. DFID has used its resources/connections for 9 yrs of electronic monitoring of all communications through wireless bugs, shoe implants and possibly- this may be the key- nano implants. Telecom operators have been used/bribed/influenced thrugh political links for continuous montoring of all communications.

2. DFID has used its network and monitored communications to block out work opportunities for 8 years. It has used UK Linked US based Khares most notably DR RS Khare at university of Virginia to use his political and bureaucrat relatives ( Sudha Pillai. GK Pillai and Ashok Chawla to “arrange” continued political influence for messing up my personal and professional life. ( Q: what favours have been given as quid pro quo?. UK official M Lowcock, John Burton, DFID Heads R Harrison, MS C Smith, present head M Anderson are involved. A former minister relative sof Pillais was sacked in 2009 after complaints. Other relatives like Kamal Nath continue to be used for nefarious/destructive purposes. DFID has bribery in many situations.

3. Because of access to my electronic communications, fraud cannot be ruled out. Many attempts to frame me/ sabotage career.

4. Shalu Jindal wife of biz tycoon N Jindal and relative of Chawla?Khares funding entire operations for years including bribery of doctors/staff for murder o fmy paralyzed father in hospital and descration fo his body after death. Rajat Khare played a key role here. 2 VIPS were “bought” to give orders to hospital staff. Hatfield run by ex army/security people being used

5. Food contamination /adulteration has been done on many occasions to immobilize me/us over the years. (monitoring of our activities and use of abundant money makes it possible- bribery of doctors case in point)

6. India Houses of kins of of UK based families used for last 9 years-spread over 3-4 houses including London for a year.

7. Letter sent to UK PM Mr Brown since july 2009 MPs, on these issues met with no response. Instead Mr father was hospitalized ( through food contamination) and then killed at strategic time

8. DFID is obsessed with following every minute of my movement ( proofs available) and communications. ( Relation to goal of poverty, justice, corruption). Even hotel rooms /toilets not spared .

9. A key Khare member Atul Khare got UN Posting following his 2005 London stint ( co-incidence?) Other Khares/Chawla/Pillais members also given plum bilateral/multilateral posts.

10. Dr RS Khare communicating British interests/instructions to his Indian relatives- what is his stake? Numerous complaints to US admin- no action taken .Who is protecting him?

11. These factors point to use/testing of rare technologies. There is palable nervousness with my plans to go abroad/travel at short notice. Finances &network have been cut off. ( certain sources of finances have been fudged/delayed). WHAT IS DFID’ s agenda. Or some MI-5 officers posing as DFID officers.

12. What Makes Sudha Pillai, DR RS Khare dance to tune of MLowcock/other DFID officials

13. A key UK govt functionary protecting Khare-DFID crime JV of many years from being exposed. HAS UK Govt used a nano implant that it cannot displace

14. Has UK trying to access corridors of power through its stranglehold of Sudha Pillai/ DR RS Khare/ A Chawla ( more of such powerful people being “cooked” for future use?_

15. Many faxes/emails/tweets to UK gov no response to very serious charges

Cc: Hon Indian Prime Minister Dr ManMohan Singh

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Letter2 UK GOV

Sent to UK PM,DFID Sec, many others

Similar letters sent by fax/em to Mr Gordon Brown as UK PM since 2009/MPs (no response)

June 2, 2010

Re :DFID sponsored Human rights violation for 9 years**

Dear Sir

This is continuation to my tweets on wherein I sent complaints of 9 years of DFID sponsored harassment and promised to send a detailed letter. In view of your other commitments, facts already with your Government through past emails/faxes sent since July 2009 to ex PM Mr Brown I will only mention the key points without mentioning every little detail. This is not complaint of manipulation of my work assessment while at DFID but harassment that followed afterwards for last 8 years

1. Continous surveillance and misuse of all communications-electronic and otherwise for last 8-9 years. Use of rare technologies including shoe transmitters & sadistic interference in my life and engaging in false propaganda at many levels ( why?). Threat of food contamination is real and proof of all I say may be given .Those shameless cowards who did not spare a paralyzed innocent man will have no “limits”- a safe assumption. Based on combination of continous surveillance and influential people being I have not allowed to work for last 8-9 years and tailed like a shadow everywhere–one of several reasons why I believe a nano technology may have been used. All rooms of my last three homes including one in London bugged.why?

2. Use of influential Khare family /brothers(DR RS Khare (main) ,Ram Khare, Atul Khare UN,Harish Khare PMO advisor, Rajat Khare and UK based relatives to run the programme of harassment through his influential bureaucrats Sudha /Gk Pillai &Ashok Chawla Finsec, Mutemwar ex Min( sacked in 2009 after my complaints. Whol operation financed by Chawla/khare relatives biz tycoon wife and mother Shalu and Savitri Jindal. It is requested that these people be declared Person Non Grata if DFID is committed to containing corruption in every form. Are these people being exploited by DFID staff because of marriage of one of them to British Citizen or for other reasons.Sudha Pillai  a senior bucreucrat and husband GK Pillai have been implementing the HR violations agenda as directed by Khares inUS/DFID UK

3. Murder of my paralyzed 82 year old father in hospital by bribing politicians and doctors/staff after food contamination and desecration of body after death - shows the mental health of all people involved and perhaps a “hidden agenda” because of timing of murder-

4. Role of DFID/UK is beyond doubt as number of UK linked India based families are being “forced” into surveillance. A number of ex-army people are involved lured by easy money of biz tycoon’s wife and mother Shalu /Savitri Jindal with UK. One wonders why all this attention for so many years?

5. Please make Public the “arrangements” under which Dr RS Khare has been used by DFID /UK gov/staff and giving “instructions” to Indian relatives. Indian Public and media must know the “extra curricular activities” of blue eyed Indian Civil servants Pillias/Chawlas & politicians. Has DFID being practicing subtle and evolved form of bribery- by awarding lucrative posts in multilaterals and contracts and other favours

6. What punishment will be given to Mark Lowcock, John Burton,M CSSmith Peter Grant etc ,past DFID Heads, others. Let us see if they can survive 8 years of economic isolation- w/o any surveillance/murder of relatives/. Their actions have brought into disrepute the British people and DFID in particular. Many of key points could be verified by John Hoy my mentor and first boss. Unfortunately ( for all of us) he died in Tsunaami of 2005

7. Is this price for reporting Sexual Harassment of Indian staff by DFID staff Nigel Kirby .He may not be the lone case here. DFID has used/tried number of baits/cheap labour/cheap technology/cheaper tactics to trap me including placing Call Girls on empty London trains next to me on weekends unsucessfully

8. Please dismantle the superstructure of crime of DFID instigated/sponsored Indian bureaucrats/politicians because the impression is gaining ground that DFID has a “deeper motive and hidden agenda” and these people are “DFID agents” in view of lack of any action response to several complaints by fax/mail since July 2009 to ex PM & and many MPs.

9. Your initiative to resolve this most appalling story of 8-9 years of human rights violation will be highly appreciated even though your own Government is facing a number of problems at home

Sujat Kamal, Mob- 0091-9971355662,00911-9911698256